IN:MOST & ASKEL & ELERE. Track «Flair» to release on Soulvent Records.

The battle of the duos is officially upon us. England versus Finland, by way of Australia & Wales, in the form of another gorgeous link-up between OG Soulvent poster-boys In:Most and Askel & Elere. This latest track offers a delightful dive into their signature approach and sounds blending into a wonderful aural concoction. With multi-talented Elere taking on the vocals under his pseudonym YENIAS, and the other 3 providing the composition and production prowess, you can be sure this one is another instant grab in your search for a reputable music collection.

Frail has a wonderfully spacey tonality and soundscape, mixing the influence of all 4 contributors in a unique way. The vocals are vintage YENAIS with long drawn out tones, adding to the ethereal element perfectly. The drop brings high energy drums and suitably glitchy, gliding liquid sensibilities which have a strength that belies the title of the track.

Come dive into the next installment of Dream Sequences Vol.1, available in all good stores from 19th July.

Released July 19, 2024 on Soulvent Records.

H/T Soulvent Records.

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