
Administration & Management

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Subrat Roy Sahara

One response to “Subrat Roy Sahara

  1. R. K. PANDEYApril 27, 2011 at 10:38 PM

    Dear Sir,

    Sahara India and its group is not any mystry, engima or a loot. Its a group for the benefit of investors. Nowadays various govt. officials and organisations are blaming Sahara India group of companies but as a investor I know that Sahara has educated the citizens of India to invest and gain by sharing of profit. Mostly investors are satisfied from the service and refund of Sahara schemes and more and more people are investing regularly despite of several blames.

    When u will go through the history of Reliance, u should also find the same situation that Dhiru Bhai Ambaani has faced lot of oppose from Govt. Agencies but investors were with reliance because they were gaining benefits from it. Today the reliance is still giving benefits to its investors and share holders. People use to be eager for the allotment of shares.

    Govt. agency never use to see any private concern on high beneficial level. SEBI have problem with Sahara but could SEBI clear that how and why under its authority the cases of Harshad Mehta has happend ? If it was the ignorance, looseness of system of SEBI then why not any SEBI Official has accepted it ? Recently share market has fallen rapidly and majority of investors have turned beggar in India, some of them have attempted sucide. Then where was the govt. and where was the SEBI, how they were controlling the share market that such type of crucial fall has taken place ?

    There are lot of questions and when u should start analyzing and over turn each and every question then you would smell the odour of politics in it.

    As an investor I have no problem with Sahara nor most of investors have any problem, then why not the govt. puts its tension on vanishing the corruption against govt offices ? All these things are being use to divert the mind of people from corruption in govt. organisation.

    with regards

    your brother
    R. K. PANDEY

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