
Hi, I’m Emily, and welcome to Travel oxa Manaman! As a Pacific-Northwest local with a slight obsession with mountains, I aim to provide tips, trail reports, and inspiration on all things adventure. Whether you’re a weekend warrior, an outdoor enthusiast, a gear-junkie, or a couch potato with a New Year’s resolution, I hope you’ll find something here to get that next trip on your calendar!

I am someone with a permanently packed schedule: if I’m not running at 110% at all times, I’m not happy! While I crave learning and new experiences, I came to realize that the frantic pace of my life – in an effort to maximize adventures – was perhaps not allowing me to fully reflect and appreciate the journeys I’ve undertaken.

Ridge and River is an attempt to catalogue, to make permanent, to reflect and marvel at the world we find ourselves in. It is an attempt to grant order to the chaos of our senses, and make space for memories. Mostly, Ridge and River is a call to adventure. It is a celebration of the outdoors, of the mountains and rivers, granite and sandstone, fern, fog, and crisp dawns. Moreover, it is a celebration of the wildness in our hearts that drives us to seek experience, discovery, and growth.

Juan de Fuca trail, Vancouver Island, August 2017