People with extra time in their hands are turning to creative outlets during coronavirus isolation … learning to play new instruments.
People prefer to utilize their extra time to creative outlets during coronavirus isolation instead of wasting their valuable time for useless things. Learning to play new music instruments is one of them. Music lover have opportunity to get music instrument on rent and learn to play them. Thus the demand of a peer to peer music instruments rental is high where music lover take their favorite music gear on rent with less price, and instrument owner list their products for rent.
Starting an online peer to peer music instruments rental marketplace is the one of best online rental business ideas to start earning money during the COVID-19 pandemic. This post helps you to understand how this business model works, key revenue generation channels, top player and key system features.
Peer to Peer Music Gear Rental Business Model

Revenue Channels of Music Instrumentals Rental Business
So, how does a peer to peer Music Instrument Rental Portal work and make money? Here are main revenue generation channels of music gear rental marketplace:
- Commission on instrument rental
- Commission in instrument sell
- Advertisement
- Subscription
- Banner ads
Key features of online music instruments rental marketplace
Take an overview of the basic features for building a peer-to-peer eCommerce portal.
How it works section to help new website visitors understand how to use the platform. (Create separate ‘How It Works’ sections for renting and listing instruments)
A search tool box with appropriate filtering and sorting options
‘How It Works’ section, since the marketplace is relatively new and unknown to a good part of internet audience (Create separate ‘How It Works’ sections for renting and listing instruments)
A common login/sign up channel for all users since anyone can rent or list instruments
Blog and other content based pages – About, Terms, Privacy Policy, etc.
Secure payment gateway, with a plug-in that can handle different currencies, especially if you are planning to launch your business in more than one country.
Top P2P music instrument rental marketplaces

There is much more to know before starting an online peer to peer music instrument rental marketplace. I would recommend for visiting this link to know everything about this niche.