T>I. Debut album Blank Canvas LP has been released on Critical Music label.

T>I presents his debut album ‘Blank Canvas’ on Critical. Releasing music since 2012, T>I’s sound has been steadily evolving across a multitude of releases. Now though, following hot on the heels of lead single ‘Flick The Switch’, T>I spreads his incandescent brand of drum & bass across 13 finely honed tracks showing just why he’s now one of the UK’s most thrilling artists in 2020.

“So glad this is finally put to bed and coming out. I loved this project more than any I’ve done before mainly because I had freedom to write what I wanted, as in when Kasra asked if I wanted to do the LP I was like yeah I’ll make some more techy rollers and Kasra said “no just do a T>I LP on Critical” , so with that in mind I went and made what I enjoy playing. I make DJ tools, not anthems so I think I’ve cracked a good batch of tunes for DJ’s across the world to bang in a mix.” T>I.

Released March 6, 2020 on Critical Music

H/T Critical Music.

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