LONDON ELECTRICITY. Drum and Bass live band to release brand new tracks on Hospital Records (Yikes, Aged 10 Years) studio album Sampler.

Celebrating the 10th anniversary of his fifth studio album in style, London Elektricity has revisited his seminal Yikes! project with a fresh 2021 approach. Delving back into the original project files, the Hospital Records co-founder explains that being caught up in the ‘loudness war’ 10 years ago saw him compromise “clarity and openness” due to the sound being too compressed and loud. Applying what he has learnt a decade on, Crikey! sees a fresh take on the mixdowns and arrangements of ‘Yikes!’ originals, as well as some never-heard-before tracks and acoustic renditions.

In the words of London Elektricity himself, something all musicians strive for is for their work to be “effortless sounding”. With a lifetime of musical experience, it’s safe to say this is something that Tony Colman has been able to achieve across the entirety of his new ‘Crikey!’ project. Exemplified in compositions such as ‘Round The World In A Day’, which feature the vocals of Elsa Esmerelda, who appears on six of the original album tracks. Whilst at a drum & bass tempo, the track finds itself lending more heavily to the sounds of a psychedelic garage rock piece.

Keeping meticulously on top of his Cubase project files over the years, London Elektricity has allowed himself to “go into the guts” and discover and expose things that were, initially, too deeply buried. ‘Flesh Music’ envisions this concept clearly, with more focus on airy pads and percussion elements which appear to shine through the mix just that extra bit more brightly.

Other standout ‘Crikey!’ moments see the inclusion of a never heard before track ‘Invalid’, featuring a sousaphone for a bassline and Steve Pycroft on arrangement duties. Additionally, lose yourself amongst two acoustic versions of ‘Elektricity Will Keep Me Warm’ recorded in London Elektricity’s lounge, and a special rendition of ‘Invisible Worlds (ft. Elsa Esmerelda)’.

Released on Hospital Records.

H/T Hospital Records.

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