SOULVENT RECORDS. Monika & Akuratyde released 2 melancholic tracks featuring Oktae.

New Zealand based nice guy Monika and American graphic designer and cat enthusiast Akuratyde have teamed up again, with their first efforts of 2021 resulting in this inviting 2-track offering. The transpacific pair have developed an unlikely friendship through the combined parallels of drum & bass and the internet over the last few years, with their first contact appearing on Monika’s ‘Himalaya’ in 2018. Autumn2020 saw a 4-track outing on Fokuz Recordings, and the duo are further building on this newfound sound with more releases lined up in the coming months, much to our delight. With a sublime supporting cast, strap in for a punchy pair of tracks that will ignite their 2021 schedule.

On ‘Haunted featuring Oktae’ the pair team up with frequent collaborator Oktae. Her calming, relaxed tone and conversational writing style bring a very inviting element to the track. The duo have cultivated warm sonics and chimingtones to provide a perfect platform for the British vocalist.

For the B-side ‘Soul On Fire (feat. Askel & Elere)’ they linkedup with Finnish family in the form of Askel & Elere. Any self respecting Soulvent fan will undoubtedly be familiar with these newly signed Scandinavians. The resulting trackcombines emotionally charged lyrics along with a churning,warped bassline and fully fledged breaks. This 4-way international link up delivers an interesting blend of influences and textures, that brings out the best of the full quartet.

This eerie yet melancholic 2-track match up is available in all good stores from the 19th March 2021.

Released March 19, 2021 on Soulvent Records

H/T Soulvent Records.

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