NTIA 2024. Welcomes home office news to reinstate back of house drug testing at festivals for 2024 season.

Michael Kill, CEO of the Night Time Industries Association, welcomed the news today from the Home Office to reinstate back of house drug testing at festivals. This is a result of the great work and perseverance of Sacha Lord and the NTIA in advocating for this crucial public safety measure. “The reinstatement of back of house drug testing facilities by the home office is a significant step in the harm reduction strategy for festivals across the UK. These facilities play a vital role in safeguarding attendees and proactively informing them of potential harms,” Kill stated, emphasising the importance of this initiative for the upcoming festival season.

About the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA):
The Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) is a leading advocacy group dedicated to promoting and enhancing the nighttime economy. NTIA represents a wide range of nighttime businesses, from bars and clubs to cultural venues, and works to create a vibrant, safe, and inclusive nighttime environment.

H/T N.M.

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