EMILIANO MELIS. An ambient electronic tape loop composition.

An ambient electronic tape loop composition from the NYC artist Emiliano Melis is a sound designer and composer based in NYC who combines analog and digital instruments to create a rich sound built with layers of melodies and rhythms. 

On this episode of Patch Notes, Melis composes an evolving ambient track using a long stretched tape, plugged into a Strymon DECO saturator unit running a background texture. On top, he uses an Elektron Digitakt sampler and TASCAM Porta-05 four-track recorder to play tracks, patterns and sounds. This style of electronic composition is exploired on his new album, Tape and Polaroids, which is released on September 18 via Mother West.

Find the rest of Melis’s music here and buy his Electro Ghost Vol. 1 sample pack, which contains chords, loops and tones recorded with instruments such as Moog’s DFAM, Korg’s Volca FM and more. You can also watch more videos like this at his Instagram and YouTube channel.

H/T FactMag

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