IN:MOST. Bailey Greer and Josh Croft are names that should be commonplace in the mind of any self-respecting Soulvent Records fan. Brand new single release «Silhouette».

Bailey Greer and Josh Croft are names that should be commonplace in the mind of any self-respecting Soulvent Records fan. The pair released their accomplished debut album Voyager in 2020 and have since continued to perfect their own brand of smooth, sultry liquid collaborating with artists like Etherwood and Ruth Royall in 2021 as part of their Cloud Nine EP. Their unique approach to d&b is further showcased in this gorgeous 2-track single, teaming up with the Jedi-wordsmith that is Visionobi on Silhouette and showing off some synth-wizardry on ‘Android Funk’.

‘Silhouette (feat. Visionobi)’ begins its life with soft harmonic textures and swirling pads, giving way to a rising bassline and rolling drums. Visionobi’s measured phrasing, calm delivery and reflective lyrics allow space for his words to paint the outline of rich mental images in the frontal cortex. These poignant verses sit alongside the bubbling arpeggio and ethereal vocal touches that serve as a perfect call-and-response, allowing the stanzas to complete the picture.

‘Android Funk’ on the other hand is classic In:Most, showcasing their love for intricate synth patterns and soundscapes. The dreamlike intro gives way to cascading, reverb-soaked tones, delicate vocal textures and a swelling bassline. On the drop, we’re treated to punchy drums and flavoursome flourishes across the board, with a switch-up mid-way through that will bring a wry smile and skank to even the moodiest of dances.

Tying up this neat little package is the long-awaited release of Dustkey’s competition-winning remix of ‘Glimmer (feat. Lucy Kitchen)’, taken from ‘Voyager’. This delightful reimagining blends soaring pianos with Lucy’s stunning vocal, big boy drums and warming, expansive bass – perfectly reframing the twinkle of the original!

Treat yourself to a warm sonic hug this February, courtesy of In:Most , Visionobi and Dustkey, landing in all good stores this February 18th.

Released on Soulvent Records.

H/T Soulvent Records.

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