SÓNAR 2020 / 2021. A Statement from Sónar and Sónar+D.

Sónar regrets to announce that due to the global crisis deriving from the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 editions of Sónar Barcelona and Sónar+D will not be able to take place and have been postponed until 2021.

After carefully examining all of the alternatives and closely following the official guidelines, this decision has been reached as the only possible way to safeguard the health and wellbeing of all our festivalgoers, artists and teams.

The 27th edition of Sónar Barcelona, and the 9th Sónar+D congress will now take place on the 17th 18th and 19th of June 2021, in the venues of Fira Montjuïc de Barcelona and Fira Gran Via de L’Hospitalet.

Sónar is already working closely with the artists, speakers and partners in order to reschedule the majority of shows and activities that all of us were looking forward to this year.

We thank our audience for their patience and understanding over the past weeks, and to reassure them of our absolute commitment to ticket holders. All Ticket or Delegate Pass buyers for Sónar 2020 or Sónar+D will be contacted directly via email on May 19th, with information on the benefits created for those who wish to carry their ticket over for the new dates, or, for those unable to attend, how to claim a refund.

In any case, we continue to be active in 2020. Sónar will celebrate an extraordinary edition of Sónar+D to take place on the 18th and 19th September, at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), Sónar’s original home.

This new gathering, under the name Sónar+D CCCB, will have a format and content designed for our current cultural context, and with a focus on new and possible futures at the intersection of culture, art and technology. The project arises from our commitment to continue to nurture creative communities, both on a local and international level.

Sónar+D CCCB will be a fundamentally online event, free to access and open to all, with the possibility of physical attendance depending on how the legislation regarding capacity evolves.

Sónar+D CCCB will feature an extensive program of participatory and networking activities, maintaining the congress formats of conferences, masterclasses, demonstrations, workshops, performances and networking.

For this special edition, Sónar+D will be working with the local creative communities that support the congress year after year, as well as looking further afield, co-curating content with the festivals TodaysArt (The Hague) Reworks (Thessaloniki) and Unsound (Krakow), which will take place in their respective cities on the same dates, and who share a creative platform with us in the ongoing We Are Europe co-operative project.

Further details of this special edition and the new partners set to join over the following weeks will be announced very soon.

Also to be announced are further details on Sónar 2021. We look forward to coming together once again, virtually in September, and face to face in June 2021, to celebrate another fantastic edition of Sónar.

Sónar+D CCCB is an initiative of Advanced Music and CCCB, with the collaboration of the Ajuntament de Barcelona, the Generalitat de Catalunya and We Are Europe, a programme of Creative Europe.

H/T Sónar festival.

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