DESNA. To release Frou Frou EP featuring Simina Grigoriu remix out on August 2020.

Hailing from Brooklyn, NYC DESNA is back with a fiery summer EP titled Frou Frou, set to release on Kuukou Records on August 14th, which includes a very special remix by Simina Grigoriu.

The techno maven has been setting the tone this 2020 with her unparalleled releases, which are carefully curated in her home studio. During these strange times, new music is on the horizon now more than ever, so stay tuned for more releases from DESNA.

Frou Frou (Original) – Everyone loves a little ‘Frou Frou’ but in this case, it’s dark frills. Deep, ominous and a recognizable dash of DESNA, this track sneaks up on you, with its mystical baselines and pummelling rhythmic drops – taking you on a  rapturous ride, wherever in the world you may be dancing.

Frou Frou (Simina Grigoriu remix) – Berlin’s Simina Grigoriu serves up her remix of Frou Frou, with a faster BPM mixed with seductive intensity. At 2:33, close your eyes and let the music set you free, connect to your body and feel the flow of the pulsing energy.

Sinuosity – Uplifting assonance, DESNA kicks it up with Sinuosity. Driving tight percussion mixed with chords that reflect those Ibiza Summer vibes, propelling you to dance your ass off, this record will have you in a living-room dance party in the first 5 seconds.

H/T L.C.

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