SÓNAR+D 2019. Masterclasses by SEAT.

During Sónar+D 2019, Timoni West, Tega Brain & Sam Lavigne, Jorge del Bosque, Kyle McDonald, Ludovico Vignaga, Madeline Gannon, Richard Devine, Ben Cerveny and Emmanuel Biard & David Leonard gave masterclasses about immersive content, 3D audio, sound design, machine learning, robotics, conversational AI and urban scale computing at the newly inaugurated Sónar+D Auditorium by SEAT.

The first one premiered on Monday the 23rd in Sónar+D Youtube channel and is now available in its entirety. This extensive program of masterclasses directed by the best international specialists in creative technologies will be available online every Monday from September 23rd.

“Ways to predict the future” – by Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne is a deep dive into the current state of online surveillance and how data is collected and used to try to make predictions of what, how, and when we desire. Many of the smartest people in the world today have dedicated their careers to predicting the future, particularly the problem of where you will click next. What goes into the divination of our online behaviors? What are the new organs of prediction? What is the business model of prediction and what are some ways we might push back? How can we become unpredictable, and how can we leverage regimes of prediction for agendas outside of capitalism?

H/T Sónar festival.

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