NTIA & UKDSA Welcome the Government’s intentions on Martyn’s Law.

NTIA & UKDSA Welcomes the Government’s Intentions on Martyn’s Law. Michael Kill CEO NTIA Says – “We are pleased to see that the Government has finally confirmed its intentions with regard to Martyn’s Law, with the announcement that new legislation will come in, to scale up preparedness for and protection from terrorist attacks in public spaces.”

“The NTIA (Night Time Industries Association) & UKDSA (UK Door Security Association) have worked closely with the Home Office, key agencies and stakeholders in the development of the practicalities around the implementation of Protect Duty, and will continue to do so in the coming months to ensure that measures are proportionate and effective at a ground level.”

“The Government has worked with the sector and listened to important feedback from our members at ground level, where proportionality is key and support is given to businesses who need it the most.”

“The industry has been preparing for the implementation of these new laws for some time, building on established operating protocols, but in all cases will require further detail, framework and robust industry guidance before implementation.”

“We must also consider the impact on the private security sector, with security resource numbers during the pandemic reaching an all time low. We will need to consider increasing licensed operative numbers leading up to the implementation of these new laws to ensure we do not fall foul of resource challenges.”

“Security operatives will play an important role in the protection of public spaces within the night time economy and will require a similar level of bespoke guidance and training to fulfil their role.”

“While we focus on legal requirements and guidance, it is also key that we consider the working relationships between key stakeholders during this planning process, with operators, security, emergency services, policing and local authorities taking an active part in planning towards ensuring we deliver safer public spaces.”

“Once the legislation comes in, we are confident that the bigger venues and events or “Enhanced Tier” operators will be suitably equipped to deliver the required security measures due to existing processes and considerations, knowledge, expertise, equipment and skilled staff resource as part of an inherent Operational or Event Management Plan.”

“Standard Tier” operators will require more support, in particular, they will need structured guidance, a clear framework to ensure they are compliant, but given the thresholds released today I feel the considerations are proportionate and achievable for smaller businesses.”

“I would like to say a particular Thank you to Figen Murray for her pragmatism and approach in support of our sector in realizing the challenges we face at a ground level and her support of proportionate and achievable measures across large parts of our sector.”

H/T N.M.

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