FUTURE HORIZON. Informative talks, purpose, passion and community for a better future, on the horizon.

This past March, a very special gathering took place in the Caribbean (Cabarete, Dominican Republic) bringing together a unique group of genuine changemakers, futurists, architects, designers, musicians, artists and investors from across the globe. Future Horizon commenced across five days, as 50 guests joined forces to share insights, engage in talks, workshops and even kite surfing, while collectively gathering with purpose, passion and community for a better future on the horizon.

Opening night brought a stunning art exhibition, beautifully curated vegan dinner, dancing, connecting, and for some, a stunning sunrise on the beach. Each morning, luminous peacocks frolicked on the retreat property while guests stepped into their centre, with relaxing yoga lead by Stephanie Bovis. Delicious vegan brunches were served, and daily talks took place each afternoon, covering topics such as Designing Sustainable Futures, Innovation for Sustainability, and Amplifying Impact Through Focus.

Global Coralition (official partner), revealed their work of art, a 25+FT sculpture named Atabey, the supreme Goddess of the Taínos [native people of the pre-Colombian era] and was selected for maximum cultural significance to the local community. Lab-grown coral will be implanted onto Atabey in which she will rest in Sosúa Bay, creating the restoration of coral and a new ecosystem.

Divine fire performers danced under the moonlight, a jazz band performed over dinner, and curated electronic music was shared, immersing guests with high vibrations as strangers quickly became friends. Local charity Mariposa DR Foundation  [a centre which educates and empowers girls to end generational poverty], held a delightful dance recital with over 50 of their gorgeous, charismatic girls of all ages, as they sang, danced and smiled from ear to ear.

Uniting to empower each other to make a real impact on building a better future for humanity and the planet, Future Horizon’s focus is to weave inspiring stories of a better future, to give inspiration, hope and a framework upon which such future can be built. As an intimate experience, Future Horizon is focused on individuals who can: design and implement real solutions, fund and back these solutions and finally, tell stories better, to rally more people for exponential impact.

Future Horizon’s mission is to create and support organizations. Since the retreat, the community has incredibly launched multiple organizations. Together, the community has launched Mask Force, to provide frontline medical workers with high-quality personal protective equipment, delivered directly to hard-hit hospitals and clinics in NYC. The campaign raised over $100K, and distributed tens of thousands of masks to medical practitioners. Read the press release for more details. Members of the community have also launched Cabarete Unidos, a program capable of feeding over 10,000 impoverished locals.

“Our goal for Future Horizon Inception Retreat was to form an event where everyone has a beautiful time, while also creating real solutions for the world. One element cannot live without the other. It’s not a conference, nor a shamanic or music festival. Rather a delicately composed hybrid. We measured success by guest’s happiness and real measurable impact. Amazingly enough, just after a short 4 weeks it is safe to say that we exceeded our own expectations in both areas. Message received. Our next event is in the works!” – Founding Partner, Mateusz Cyrankiewicz.

H/T L.C.

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