SOULVENT RECORDS. Producer In:Most will be released Voyager: Deluxe, 16-tracks album.

2023 was not an easy year for anyone, for most in fact it was a long and arduous journey. However, undeniably great music thankfully punctuated the period. Bailey Greer and Josh Croft contributed too, releasing their accomplished debut album ‘Voyager’ – a 16-track odyssey that paired appearances from scene stalwarts like Carasel and Lucy Kitchen, with next generation bright sparks such as Walk:r and Mistrust. It received support from household names in the scene such as Etherwood and Hybrid Minds, with Technimatic dropping ‘Fever Dreams (feat. Mistrust)’ at the revered Fabric and a UKF upload of the aptly-named, Zoom meeting-anthem ‘Home (feat. flowanastasia)’ too. To celebrate the 1 year anniversary of this shimmering album, released in the midst of a global pandemic and lockdown, the 16-track In:Most debut titled ‘Voyager’ now sees a re-release with 3 exclusive bonus tracks.

Cloudburst’ sees the boys pair up with fellow Spoonfed and Cambridge resident Saikon. The track opens with twinkling keys, dreamy atmospherics and serene pads before dropping straight into a seriously gully jungle-breaks infused stepper.

Doshaburi’ not only shares its name with a clothing store in Barcelona – it’s also a Japanese term for a downpour or pelting rain. Asian inspired strings and chimes are at the forefront of this calming track, underpinned by vintage In:Most vocal elements, soft sonics and a warming bassline.

Finally ‘Cascade’ tumbles into motion, its measured intro developing into a rousing, swung arpeggio that gives way to a trundling, cascading bassline. The simplicity and execution of these call and response elements on the drop is nothing short of fulfilling, and is sure to set your head nodding.

While club shows became a distant memory in 2020, they’re hopefully not too far away from becoming a reality. When the rave returns, this versatile release will be ready to damage dancefloors in equal measure as it has soothed the struggle over the last 12 months. Whether you missed the first trip or are a returning passenger, we invite you to saddle up and partake in this deluxe version in all its glory, landing in all good stores on the 2nd of April.

Released in April 2nd 2021 on Soulvent Records.

H/T Soulvent Records.

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